
Everybody remembers Y2K, right? For a refresher, Y2K is short for "The year 2000," and it refers to events related to the computer formatting and storage of calendar data for dates beginning in the year 2000. One Sunday morning in the months leading up to this "prophesied" event(more on this in a minute), my grandmother, now deceased, was attending the church that she had attended for years with her late husband from her second marriage after my grandfather passed away in '80. When the services ended that morning, my grandmother was doing her usual mingling with those in her congregation, when a smiling elderly gentleman whom she did not recognize approach her and introduced himself. *Robin Young was his name and he was new to the church, hence, her not recognizing him. It was a very small church, after all, so she knew everybody. *the real names of the actual offenders will be used throughout, as all crimes listed herein are on public record. After